Yasmin Tinaz


Yasmin Tinaz Headshot

Yasmin Tinaz

With a keen interest in storytelling, Yasmin's life has ever revolved around portraying the beauty, the tragedy, and all the rest, that fills peoples lives. She's been passionate about photography and film-making since childhood, keen about acting, singing, and script-writing since early high school, and as an adult, she picked up a childhood love of writing fiction to tie it all together. She has a wealth of experience both behind and in front of the photography camera, has completed Trinity Guildhall's Performance Arts certificate at level 8 during her time at high school, and is always looking to expand her acting experience. With a love for all things creative, no matter what else she's involved with at the time, Yasmin hopes to return to telling stories with her body and voice, and more than just a camera and her own pen and paper.